Review:✓ The Journey: 1-A new, or renewed attitude about our church, 2-Our church will begin to change.✓ I will be a functioning church member. Based on a Biblical foundation of love, I will serve, I will evangelize, I will study, I will seek to be a blessing to others.✓ I will be a unifying church member. I will not be a source of gossip or dissension.✓ I will not let my church be about my preferences and desires. I will put Christ first, and in so doing, put others before myself.✓ I will pray for my Pastor and all Church Leaders.
Q: Explain the implications of the devil’s trap in 1 Tim. 3:7.
A: (page 49 ~ I AM A CHURCH MEMBER) A trap is something that is set intentionally. It means that the devil has devised a plan to bring the pastor down. The nature of this trap will be temptation where the pastor’s reputation will be harmed. God works through the prayers of believers. We will pray for the protection of our pastor and other church leaders.
Today’s Devotion: Chapter 5 – I Will Lead My Family to Be Healthy Church Members
Church and Family Let’s read Eph. 5:22-26, Eph. 5:32-33, and Eph. 6:1-4. Paul teaches how our own families are similar to how our church members are toward one another.
Praying Together as a Family for the Church Part of the opportunity and honor of being a church member is the teaching of our family to love the church. And that teaching often begins by praying together as a family for the church where God placed us.
Worshipping Together as a Family We must encourage and lead our families to worship together in church. Like the missionary who travels thousands of miles to tell the good news to unevangelized people, we are to tell the good news in our homes.
Falling Deeply in Love with the Bride of Christ Christ is the bridegroom, and the church is the bride. Our commitment is to love that bride with an unwavering and unconditional love. In Rom. 5:8, Jesus is the perfect example of this kind of love.
The Fifth Pledge I am a church member. My family and I will: pray together for our church, worship and serve together in our church, and we will ask Christ to help us fall deeper in love with this church because He gave His life for her.
Question: How is Christ’s death on the cross an example for us as church members relating to one another? (You can answer this individually, or take time together as a family) Let’s be ready to share with each other next Sunday.
Next week >>> Chapter 6 – I Will Treasure Church Membership as a Gift
Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for Your unconditional love toward us! Help us with our commitment together with our families, to pray for, worship and serve in, and fall deeper in love with, our church. Jesus, Youare our example in this; help us to follow Your ways. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for giving us strength where we are weak. We lift up our unsaved loved ones in prayer; use us as instruments of Your will in their lives. We lay all of our petitions before You, believing and trusting that You are taking care of each need. We praise You for who You are. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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