- The Journey: 1-A new, or renewed attitude about our church, 2-Our church will begin to change.
- I will be a functioning church member. Based on a Biblical foundation of love, I will serve, I will evangelize, I will study, I will seek to be a blessing to others.
- I will be a unifying church member. I will not be a source of gossip or dissension.
- I will not let my church be about my preferences and desires. I will put Christ first, and in so doing, put others before myself.
- I will pray for my Pastor and all Church Leaders.
- I will, with my family, pray together for our church, worship and serve together in our church, and we will ask Christ to help us fall deeper in love with our church.
Q: How is Christ’s death on the cross an example for us as church members relating to one another?
A: Rom. 5:8 ~ “But God proves his own love for us in that while were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Jesus ultimately gave His life for us. Even when we were living only for ourselves, even when we turned our backs on Him, even when we hurt ourselves and others – He agreed to pay the price for our wrongs – past, present, and future. That commitment, that follow through, that unmoveable, unchangeable, relentless pledge that He made for all of mankind, is the nature and the attitude that we should give to each other.
Today’s Devotion: Chapter 6 – I Will Treasure church Membership as a Gift
The Biblical Perspective of the Gift of Church Memberbership When we receive the gift of salvation, we become part of the body of Christ. Salvation includes: forgiveness of sins, adoption by God the Father, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It’s not a legalistic obligation. It’s a gift that we should treasure with great joy and anticipation.
Understand the Gift When we receive a gift with true appreciation, we naturally want to respond to the Giver. We consider it a privilege to serve the King, so we look for opportunities at the church where we serve. Healthy church membership means you find joy in being last, instead of seeking your way and being first.
The Sixth Pledge I am a church member. I pray that I will never take my membership for granted, but see it as a gift and an opportunity to serve others and to be a part of something so much greater than any one person or member.
Question: Read the entire story of Jesus rebuking His disciples in Matthew 20:20-28. How could that story relate to church membership?
Next week >>> I Am a Church Member – Review of all 6 pledges
Let’s pray: Thank You, Jesus, for taking our place on the cross. You took on all our sin and shame, and paid the price with Your life. Help us to give of ourselves to our church, just as You gave Yourself. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for always being available to us. We ask that You would teach us and lead us as we make ourselves servants. We stand in agreement with one another for every burden and care represented. We pray for Your will in all things. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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